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We're Taking on the Globalists.

3 years ago

You may hear a lot of talk from mainstream conservatives about socialism -- frankly, they have their priorities backwards. The real threat to America in the 21st Century is the false song of globalism, and APU Founder and VP Vince Dao joins us to tell us why.

Visit our website: https://www.populistunion.com/
Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/populistunion
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Here at the American Populist Union, we are tired -- and it's time to take action.

The Political Revolution of 2016 changed conservatism in America. It's become clear that this brand of populism is effective -- conservatives must build upon it if they seek to win the future, and we all know it. Unfortunately, many organizations in the conservative movement do not recognize this and seek to go backward.

The American Populist Union is a non-profit organization that seeks to ensure that the Spirit of 2016 does not die at the hands of donor-approved, neoconservative, establishment organizations. Further, unlike the conservative establishment, we recognize that the most important metric in measuring our society's success is not by our GDP or profit margins, but by the health of our nation's families.

We are conservatives standing for American Workers and Families over the interests of Big Business, Globalist Elites, and Foreign Nations. America First, Forever!

Join us and help us save this movement and this country.

#Conservative #Populist #Politics #Masculinity #NathanielAbbott#Paleocon #2016 #TuckerCarlson #DonaldTrump #AmericaFirst


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