Story - The Power of Unexpected Kindness

3 years ago

Special Family Connection
Story - The Power of Unexpected Kindness
April 09, 2021
Debby Wells
Season: 2 - Episode: 6

Today my story was inspired by an elderly man with a broad, genuine smile and a wave that made me, the recipient, feel genuinely remarkable.

Some people come into your life and make a positive impact, but you may have never spoken a word to them. Maybe it's the twinkle in their eyes when they smile at you, the opening of a door for you, the offer of a place in the front of them in line if you have fewer items than they do, the kind word when you need it. My mother was a new widow standing in line at the grocery store. A woman in line behind my mother reached over to the cashier and handed her a handful of money. My mother assumed it was for a prior purchase and pulled her wallet out to pay for her purchases. The cashier smiled and said, "It's all paid for... no money needed" The woman behind my mother had noticed my mother's face, the sadness, the exhaustion, and wanted to do something nice for her. That act helped my mother as she grieved in ways this woman could never have foreseen. She trusted her gut, went with her heart, and a person she did not know became more important to her than money.

Original music for Special Family Connection® is written, produced and performed by Mike Wells Music, for Special Family Connection®

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