On: Profession of Faith. Sheriff You Like

2 years ago


In 1986, when comedian Eddie Murphy was in the summer release of The Golden Child, an apocalyptic tale about a challenge against a satanic demon, one local Christian evangelical of international notoriety was just a preacher's kid from the North in the Shenandoah. But in that dark fantasy comic tale, Chandler Jarell, the Axel Foley in Apocalypse, heard a prophecy that he would have to trust a man he had no reason to trust, and, on the day before Thanksgiving, before the toughest judge in the Democrat town of Alexandria and in a matter involving a Democrat prosecutor who had just run unopposed and won by 97%, one "loser" and unabashed conservative, rejected by the Establishment GOP, won the right to proceed in a trial, alleging a conspiracy to violate civil rights, about which not even the Washington Post, The Atlantic, the Huffington Post, the NAACP or the ACLU will discuss.

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