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Intro to GURPS, the Pros and Cons (or is GURPS right for you?)

3 years ago

This is the first in a series of videos designed to help players learn GURPS. If you have heard of GURPS, but didn't know where to start... this is for you.

Other videos in the series:

Game Mechanics
Character creation
Magic/powers (supers)
How to use GCS
GM Hints

GURPS Game Aid for Foundry VTT: https://foundryvtt.com/packages/gurps
GURPS Game Aid Users Guide: https://bit.ly/2JaSlQd
GURPS Game Aid "Getting Started" video: https://youtu.be/YstMNNLwKBM

P.S. I know my face is out of focus... my "auto focusing" webcam... isn't :-(


  • 0/2000
  • Please keep posting on Rumble when you return.:)

    1 like
  • Awesome! Great to hear from you, and wishing you even more success promoting and explaining our favorite system.

    1 like
  • Thanks Chris! I hope things calm down for you and you’re able to post more about GURPS and hopefully another one-shot on line or at a table.:)