Spanish 102 - Learn Food Vocabulary in Spanish for Beginners Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video you will learn food vocabulary in Spanish. The following vocabulary will help you talk about food either at home or at restaurant.

In Spanish we have very distinct verbs to denote the action of eating each meal period and our afternoon snack: desayunar, almorzar, merendar, and cenar.

La merienda: People would typically have coffee and a sweet bread in the late afternoon after their lunch and before their dinner. Coffee is the preferred beverage of most people for their "merienda."

It is also important to note that throughout the Spanish speaking world people tend to eat at very different hours and there is no standard time for meals especially dinner.s In Spain dinner is very late in the evening 9pm or 10pm and then people go out, se van de marcha and stay out very late. In El Salvador, dinner is typically between 5-7pm, Argentina 9:30pm or later, Mexico 7-9pm, Ecuador 6-10pm and so on and so on.

en el restaurante (at the restaurant)
el dueño (owner) la dueña
el plato principal (main dish)
el menú (menu)
el mesero, el camarero (waiter)
la mesera, la camarera (waitress)
el almuerzo (lunch)
la cena (dinner)
la comida (food, meal)
el desayuno (breakfast)
la merienda (afternoon snack)
almorzar (o=ue) (to have lunch)
cenar (to have dinner)
desayunar (to have breakfast)
merendar (to have a snack)
pedir (e=i) (to order)
probar (o=ue) (to taste, to try)
recomendar (e=i) (to recommend)
servir (e=i) (to serve)
el gusto (taste)
los sabores (flavors)
agrio/a (sour)
amargo/a (bitter)
delicioso/a (delicious)
dulce (sweet)
picante (spicey)
rico/a (tasty)
sabroso/a (delicious)
salado/a (salty)
la carne (meat)
el pescado (fish)
los mariscos (sea food)
el atún (tuna)
los camarones (shrimp)
la carne de res (beef)
el pollo asado (roast/grilled chicken)
la chuleta de cerdo (pork chop)
la hamburguesa (hamburger)
la hamburguesa vegetariana (vegetarian burger)
el jamón (ham)
el jamón serrano (dry-cured Spanish ham)
la langosta (lobster)
el pavo (turkey)
la salchicha (sausage)
el perro salchicha (weiner dog- not food-chiste-joke)
el salmón (salmon)
el sándwich , el bocadillo-Spain, la torta- Mexico (sandwich)
las frutas (fruits)
la banana (banana)
el limón (lemon)
la manzana (apple)
la naranja (orange)
las uvas (grapes)
los condimentos (condiments)
el aceite (oil)
el azúcar (sugar)
el huevo (egg)
la mantequilla (butter)
la margarina (margarine)
la mayonesa (mayonnaise)
el pan tostado (toasted bread)
las papas, las patatas (potatoes)
las papas fritas, las patatas fritas (French fries)
el queso (cheese)
la sal (salt)
la sopa (soup)
caliente (hot)
helado/a (cold)
frío/a (cold)
el agua (water)
el agua mineral (mineral water)
la cerveza (beer)
el vino (wine)
el vino tinto (red wine)
el vino blanco (white wine)
la bebida (drink)
el refresco (soft drink)
el vinagre (vinegar)
el café (coffee)
el té (tea)
la leche (milk)
el jugo, el zumo-Spain (juice)
los granos (grains)
las verduras (vegetables)
el ajo (garlic)
el arroz (rice)
las arvejas (peas)
los champiñones, los hongos (mushrooms)
la cebolla (onion)
el cereal (cereal)
el maíz, el elote-Mexico, El Salvador, el choclo-South America (corn)
los frijoles (beans)
la lechuga (lettuce)
el chile (hot pepper)
chocolate (chocolate)
el tomate (tomato)
la zanahoria (carrot)
la ensalada (salad)

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