Spanish 102 - Learn Health Vocabulary in Spanish for Beginners Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video you will you learn health vocabulary in Spanish that will help you talk about health and going to the doctor.

A cultural note: In many Spanish speaking countries, there is always a "farmacia de turno", meaning you will always find a local pharmacy open, you only need to ring the bell for assistance even if it is late at night. Unlike in the US, one can buy a few aspirins and not the whole container.

En el consultorio (at the doctor's office)
el cuerpo (body)
dolor de cuerpo (body ache)
el corazón (heart)
el estómago (stomach)
el hueso/los huesos (bone/s)
la rodilla (knee)
el tobillo (ankle)
la pierna (leg)
el pie/los pies (foot/feet)
el diente/los dientes (tooth, teeth)
la cabeza (head)
la garganta (throat)
el cuello (neck)
el brazo/los brazos (arm/arms)
el dedo/los dedos (finger/fingers)
el dedo de la mano/el dedo del pie (finger/ toe)
la salud (health)
estar enfermo/a (to be sick)
sentirse mal (to feel sick)
la clínica (clinic)
el doctor/la doctora (doctor)
el enfermero/la enfermera (nurse)
el enfermo/la enferma (patient, sick person)
el paciente/ la paciente (patient)
el examen médico (physical exam)
el hospital (hospital)
cirugía (surgery)
operación (operation)
la radiografía (x-ray)
la sala de emergencia/s (emergency room), la sala de urgencias
romperse (to break), quebarse
sano/a (healthy)
el dentista/la dentista (dentist)
tomar la temperatura (to check your body's temperature)
el antibiótico (antibiotic)
la medicina (medicine)
las pastillas (pills)
la receta (medical prescription, or cooking recipe)
embarazada (to be pregnant)
grave (serious, grave)
el dolor de cabeza (headache)
el dolor (pain)
la enfermedad (illness)
la gripe (flu)
el resfriado (cold), el resfrío, el catarro
la tos (cough)
toser (to cough)
el jarabe para la tos (cough syrup)
congestionado/a (congested)
mareado/a (dizzy, nauseated)
caerse (to fall)
doler (to hurt)
me duele el estómago (my stomach hurts)
me duelen los pies (my feet hurt)
poner una inyección (to give an injection)
lastimarse el pie (to injure your foot)
sacarse una muela (to havea a tooth pulled)
ser alérgico/a (to be allergic to)
tener fiebre (to have a fever)
torcerse el tobillo (to twist your ankle)

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