Spanish 103 - Learn Spanish Vocabulary for Running Errands for Beginners Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video you will learn vocabulary that will enable you to talk about running errands in town, hacer diligencias in Spanish.

Technology has changed the way we do some of our day to day errands. Now you do not have to go to the bank to deposit a check as you can use your bank's App to make a virtual deposit.
Check your balance is easy too, and ATMs are readily available worldwide.

You should know that there are more than 477 million native speakers of Spanish, and most of us are in the Americas; i.e., North and South America.
Spanish comes from Spain but there are more speakers of Spanish in the USA than there are people in Spain. More than 90% of Spanish speakers are "seseantes". This means we pronounce words that start with "z", "ce," and "ci" like "S" which is different from the Spanish that the majority in Spain speak where they pronounce these words as "th" similiar to the English pronunciation of "the".

Hacer diligencias en la ciudad (running errands around town)
La ciudad (city)
el pueblo (town)
Se pude ver muchos letreros y carteles
(You can see many signs and posters)
El campo (countryside)
las afueras (suburbs)
el banco (bank)
A veces cuando voy al banco tengo que hacer cola
(Sometimes when I go to the bank I have to stand in line)
la cola (tail)
El cajero automático (ATM)
La tarjeta de débito (debit card)
ahorrar (to save)
depositar (to deposit)
retirar (to withdraw)
Firmar (to sign)
firmar el cheque (to sign a check)
Préstamo (loan)
Lugares (places)
La carnicería (butcher shop)
la carne (meat)
el pollo (chicken)
el pavo (turkey)
el puerco (pork)
El cine (movie theater)
El teatro (theater)
la frutería (fruit store)
La fruta fresca (fresh fruit)
El correo (post office)
Correos (post office-Spain)
El Sello (stamp)
La carta (letter)
El cartero (mail carrier) la cartera (female mail carrier)
El paquete (package)
Enviar y recibir paquetes o cartas (to send and to receive packages and letters)
Mandar (to send, or to command)
La heladería (ice cream shop)
La joyería es el lugar donde se puede comprar anillos
(the jewelry store is a place where one can buy rings)
La lavandería es un lugar donde se lava la ropa
(the laundromat is a place where one can wash clothes)
En la panadería se puede comprar pan
(one can buy bread at the bakery)
En la pastelería se hacen pasteles
(they make pastries at the pastry shop)

La pescadería (fish store)
El barbero (barber)
La barba (beard)
La peluquería (hairdressing salon)
El pelo (hair) el cabello
Estilo de pelo (hair style)
Cortarse el pelo (to get a hair cut)
Estilo (style)
El salón de belleza (beauty salon)
La zapatería es donde se puede comprar zapatos.
(the shoe store is a place where one can buy shoes)
El supermercado es el lugar donde se compra verduras y frutas y productos para la limpieza.
(One can buy vegetables, fruits, and cleaning supplies at a supermarket.)
Hay que tener cuidado al cruzar la calle.
(You should be careful when crossing the street.)

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