Her school suspended her because she refused to wear a mask, so this 2nd-grader speaks at school board meeting

3 years ago

Her school suspended her because she refused to wear a mask, so she speaks at school board meeting.

This seven-year old second-grader named Fiona Lashells was suspended [0] for consecutive daily or weekly refusal (which lasted two months!!) to bow to the covid19 hysteria and don a facemask. Here she takes no prisoners in her speech presentation to the Palm Beach school board, after which time the school was reprimanded and told to re-admit her. Now her lawyers circle the distressed administrators. Because this event happened in one of the wealthiest spots in America, we hope the civil lawsuit award is astronomical and other boards think twice about this policy of self-harm.

What follows is an excerpt from the Palm Beach Post article referenced below:

"When the school district joined several other counties in implementing mandates in August, there was widespread concern about mass disobedience. Dozens of angry parents had spent all summer protesting outside school board meetings, and dozens more waited hours each week to denounce the mandate to board members. But the school district says that over two months, just 23 of its roughly 166,000 students received suspensions for failing to comply with mask requirements.

“There was a lot more talk early on, with people saying they weren’t going to do it,” said Deputy Schools Superintendent Ed Tierney. But in the end, “almost everyone went along with it. There really weren’t the widespread refusals to do it.”

And that's how the gamble of the authorities nearly paid off. In the end though Fiona won, and she did it “for other kids, not just for myself.” Maybe now she can travel north to Canada and sprinkle some of her pixie dust at UWO.

Although this video has been making the rounds (not always in Italian translation though :) credit instagram's @supermangaella.

[0] https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/education/2021/11/14/fiona-lashells-returns-school-after-being-suspended-over-masks/6281869001/

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