Thanks To Her Online Business, Chikako And Her Husband Freely Travel, And Are Able To Adopt A Child

2 years ago

Chikako has been with our online community for almost 3 years. Chikako and her husband love to travel, and running their online business from anywhere. This amazing opportunity, gives them the chance to travel the world, spending quality time with family in Japan.

Hi I'm Darren, and I'm here with Chikako today to talk about her online business. So when did you start your business Chikako?

I started business, I started my business summer in 2017, so it's almost three years.

Yeah you're coming up on three years, and what would you say is your favorite thing about this business?

Favorite thing is, it's hard to decide. I think my favorite thing, is to be able to run this business from anywhere. We are, yeah that's my favorite thing, because we, my husband and I love travel - to travel, so you know we can really enjoy traveling, and then run this business, at the same time.

Yeah I always see you guys on Facebook, on different trips to Mexico, and Japan, and all different places.

Yeah totally.

And how would you say your life has changed because of this business?

Yes, my life changed so much. Before this business, I used to own a business, different business. I still have that business, but I had to, you know, I had to be in town, and I had to rent office space, so you know traveling was not easy, and it always made me anxious. But now like, I don't have to do that. So when we travel, we can really enjoy fully. And we've been traveling a lot, like 12 times for past two years. The best trip was to go to Japan, for three months, where my family lives. And yeah, no anxiety in the background. We can just fully enjoy. Feels like I can have it all, you know, everything that I want. And another thing that opened up for us with this business, is that, I'm 51 years old, and my husband and I got married, just before we started this business, so about three years ago. And we gave up the idea of having kids because of our age. But we actually decided that, we're going to adopt a child. And this is something that we never thought was possible, and it is happening. So this is really huge difference for me and my husband.

It's amazing, and thank you for sharing that with all of us watching, and thank you for spending a
couple minutes of your time today. I really appreciate you doing the interview with me.

My pleasure, thank you for having me.
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