Yes, You Should Be Proud of Your Amazing American History!

2 years ago

On this Veteran's Day, consider this:

Our Mayflower ancestors paved the way for this incredible, unprecedented nation and our Revolutionary ancestors like Alden-direct descendant John Adams created something entirely new that had never been done before. Previously, the people served the government (king/emperor). This "American Experiment" was the first time it was the other way around - the government serving the people.

Our Mayflower ancestors created the Mayflower Compact which was signed today, November 11 (by the Julian calendar which the Pilgrims used then - today we use the Gregorian calendar which adds 10 days). The Mayflower Compact laid out the seeds of a new approach to society and our John Adams and the other Founding Fathers looked to the Compact for guidance and carried it even further.

But freedom is not free. Today (and every day), we thank the countless Alden veterans and all veterans past present and future, for risking all to protect our God-given freedoms and defend us against tyranny. Eternal gratitude and honor to all. Thank you. Now it is on our watch. Stay vigilant and protect what they created for us. God Bless America and the Free World. Land of the free, home of the brave. 🇺🇸❤️

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