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15 seconds

Shalom Be Still

3 years ago

Is a video with John Layne in the studio trying to convey the supernatural meaning of Christ words, Shalom Be Still, in psychedelic musical dreamscape. It is in our stillness we find our peace, A peace beyond man's understanding. The song is a progressive rock, acid jazz, psychedelic song which calls us home..it invokes images of a surreal dreamscape of life being a conversation with God.

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • There are many similarities between many religions, truth is truth, all come to Christ if truth is sought, He created it..In Christ we are part of the vine, Israel, we are Jewish in Him..But there is no difference between Krishna's description of Karma, and Christ saying what we sow we reap.. One is not false and the other true, therefore, I invite all to know their King Jesus Christ, it is He who has been calling to all..speaking truths of the ages...