Το Δέντρο της Ζωής και τῶν μακάρων νῆσοι - Lignum Vitae et Insulae Fortunatos

2 years ago

Το Δέντρο της Ζωής και τῶν μακάρων νῆσοι - Lignum Vitae et Insulae Fortunatos


Liber Proverbiorum 13:12:
κρείσσων ἐναρχόμενος βοηθῶν καρδίᾳ τοῦ ἐπαγγελλομένου καὶ εἰς ἐλπίδα ἄγοντος δένδρον γὰρ ζωῆς ἐπιθυμία ἀγαθή
Spes quæ differtur affligit animam; lignum vitæ desiderium veniens.
Hope deferred, how it crushes a man’s spirits! The granted wish, a tree of life-giving fruit!

Strabo. ed. A. Meineke, Geographica. Leipzig: Teubner. 1877.

καὶ αἱ τῶν μακάρων δὲ νῆσοι πρὸ τῆς Μαυρουσίας εἰσὶ τῆς ἐσχάτης πρὸς δύσιν, καθ᾽ ὃ μέρος συντρέχει καὶ τῆς Ἰβηρίας τὸ ταύτῃ πέρας: ἐκ δὲ τοῦ ὀνόματος δῆλον ὅτι καὶ ταύτας ἐνόμιζον εὐδαίμονας διὰ τὸ πλησιάζειν τοιούτοις χωρίοις.

The Isles of the Blest* are on the extreme west of Maurusia,** near where its shore runs parallel to the opposite coast of Spain; and it is clear he considered these regions also Blest, from their contiguity to the Islands.

*The Isles of the Blest are the same as the Fortunate Isles of other geographers. It is clear from Strabo's description that he alludes to the Canary Islands; but as it is certain that Homer had never heard of these, it is probable that the passages adduced by Strabo have reference to the Elysian Fields of Baïa in Campania.

**The Maurusia of the Greeks (the Mauritania of the Latins) is now known as Algiers and Fez in Africa.

Brendan of Clonfert (c. AD 484 – c. 577) Brénainn moccu Alti or Brénainn maccu Alti (Irish: Naomh Bréanainn or Naomh Breandán; Latin: Brendanus; Icelandic: (heilagur) Brandanus), also referred to as "Brendán moccu Altae" (Brendan of the Fosterling Folk), called "the Navigator", "the Voyager", "the Anchorite", and "the Bold", is one of the early Irish monastic saints and one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland. He is primarily renowned for his legendary quest to the "Isle of the Blessed", also denominated "Saint Brendan's Island". The Navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis ("Voyage of Saint Brendan the Abbot") can be described as an immram, i. e., Irish navigational narrative.

#TreeOfLife #StBrendan #LetsGoBrandon

Ago tibi gratias Deo per instrumenta de nahreemusic pro bono rei publicae.


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