Senator Ron Johnson Roundtable Part 1 Opening Statements

3 years ago

Nov. 1 2021

Brianne Dressen

One of only a handful of elected officials willing to speak the truth about COVID vaccines. The fact that anything and everything not pro-vaccine is censored from We the People should tell you all you need to know about what is really going on here and it is anything but concern for public health. There is no way to know if the vaccine keeps you from getting extremely sick or hospitalized because we arent tracking breakthrough cases unless the person is hospitalized or dies.
The roundtable is quite long so I broke it down into segments of speakers and I pray it helps more people to make informed decisions before they choose to vaccinate their children. There is no way in hell I would send my children to public schools in America right now, and Informed parents plus these vaccine mandates might be the end of Public Schools as we know them. It would be the best thing that could happen. To those of you who are vaccinated, imagine how you would feel if you had an adverse reaction and no doctor would treat you, and the media called you a liar. Please.
Full Video can be found on Senator Ron Johnson's Rumble Page

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

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