Homeschooling 101

2 years ago

Have you been considering homeschooling; wondering what it would take to be successful? Starting to think you have no choice? Sign up for this two hour class, and hear from someone who has done it. The overriding goal of homeschooling is to seed and encourage a curiosity that inspires life-long learning; an appreciation of the good, the beautiful and true, that through logic and reason, enables a free-thinking society that values logical and rational discourse.
You can homeschool your child, so everyone considering the lifestyle can benefit from this class. The statistics on homeschooling have crushed most of the myths about the community, and we will certainly cover those, but at the end of the day, the most successful children have involved and engaged parents that have those important discussions at the dinner table…it’s just a matter of how many of those you need to “undo” before you have them. Like the profession of teaching, today’s homeschooling community is comprised of two groups: those who homeschool as a calling, and those who homeschool as a refuge or alternative schedule. Neither is right/wrong, good/bad, but why you homeschool may dictate the initial part of the journey. Toward that end, this class will cover “Myth-busting,” how to be “Legal” in Ohio, “Curricula,” and other areas about which people usually ask such as “Sports/Extra Curriculars.”

Recorded on October 30th, 2021

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