Our debate with Yuri Deigin on "How many people have been killed by the vaccines?"

3 years ago

Yuri accepted an offer to debate me on vaccine safety issues.

I invited a few friends to join in. Yuri had the option of requesting it be only me, but to his credit, he welcomed the opportunity to set all of us on the correct path which is a much more efficient use of his time.

I wanted to focus the discussion on just the one issue: "How many people have been killed by these vaccines?"

Yuri starts off saying a handful, then quickly changes his position to "less than 100."

I called him on that because there's a big difference between those two numbers. A handful of deaths is acceptable for a vaccine, but 100 deaths far exceeds the stopping condition of a vaccine (H1N1 was halted after around 35 deaths in 1976).

After 3 hours of discussion, our team was not convinced by his arguments. But I don't think we changed his position either.

One of my team members on my side wrote, "This was a stunning display of Dunning-Kruger," referring to a type of cognitive bias in which people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are (essentially, low ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence).

I think Yuri is a smart guy and appreciate his willingness to engage with us. It appears to me that cognitive dissonance prevents him from taking an objective view of the evidence.in plain sight.

We are all entitled to our own opinions. I greatly respect Yuri's willingness to engage with us and try to change our minds.

Please let me know if you were convinced one way or the other by the arguments presented in this video. Please focus on the scientific content (and not rehash my overly-aggressive debate style); there are LIVES at stake here...that should be THE focus.

Did Yuri convince you the vaccines are safe?

To his credit, Yuri wrote to me after the debate, "I am more open to the possibility I might be mistaken but I still haven’t seen convincing evidence for your claims of 150K dead." I referred him to my 60 page explanation posted at https://www.skirsch.com/covid/Deaths.pdf. He had not read the paper that explains the 8 ways I justified the 150K vaccine death count.

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