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8-12-2021 PART TWO Sentencing Hearing. GUILTY.
Port Townsend Hero Attorney, NAT JACOBS, Lays on His Sword in Effort to Save a Man's Soul, his Dignity, his Human Rights, his Family, his Life. Spoiler Alert It DID Not Work in this Kangaroo Court.
Prosecuting Attorney Nat Jacobs was appointed BY THE COURT as Michael Allmain's Attorney because he was RULED Indigent on January 4th, 2021 by this Same Court BEFORE any hearings, as per Washington State Law. Click Here to Read that Document.
So Jefferson County, you may want to try and get back your Tax Dollars used to Pay a Public Defender when there was apparently NO EVIDENCE without a doubt, that Michael Allmain did not have Financial means, yet the court ruled that Michael Allmain DID NOT have Financial Means in THIS Same Court and therefore Public Money PAID for his Attorney.
"The Court Finds that the "Defendant is Financial Unable". Court Filed the RULING and Appointed an ATTORNEY, yet 7 months later found the DEFENDEND Guilty and No Affirmative Defense of Financially Unable. WOW Right? When the Prosecutors, Commissioners, Sheriff and City Police are working with (Conspiring) a Loudmouth, relentless LAWLESS vigilante MOB, you have No RIGHTS. They Win. NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.
SENTENCING HEARING August 12th, 2021 Michael Allmain Criminal Trial
No We Can't ReOpen, Yes He is Guilty of Abuse and Neglect, No He cannot have an Affirmative Defense because he has not proven he had a financial hardship. Prosecutor Kennedy wants the Court to give MOSES to CVAR. Yet they took the courts control of the dog long ago with lies of liens filed, then filed liens and a Civil Lawsuit, across the hall at Judge Keith Harper's Court.
Remember the Motion of Return of Animal filed by Hero Attorney Saint Nat Jacobs, and the Court and the Prosecutors RULED/Agreed that Michael Allmain Was in compliance to take care of Moses, such as pre-paid vet visits, several large bags of dogfood, new leads, beds and a home, and they wanted a fence. He jumped every hoop but GEE DARN Prosecutor Melissa Pleimann says he is NOT GETTING HIS DOG BACK, there is the matter of the CVAR lien, oh but I don't represent them. (See Hearing Commentary for Evidentiary Hearing 3-12-2021 and Motion for Return of Animal Hearing 2-26-2021, after the "Fraudulant" NOT Timely Legal Remedy Officer Wendy Davis Gave Michael Allmain months after impounding his property as evidence in a criminal trial.
The Court had gave Moses back to Michael months prior, Law Enforcement HELD this Evidence, this Dog MOSES at CVAR, and racked up a bill and sued the owner for the bill to conspire with Center Valley Animal Rescue to STEAL a man's private property, set him up for a crime, criminally defame him, and cause massive irreparable damage and mental anguish. Then when the Bad Guys (Prosecutor, CVAR, Wendy Davis) WON, they they wanted the court to award Moses to them, but they had alread TIED the COURTS HANDS ON THIS MATTER LONG AGO. (Violation of Due Process? Abuse of Process? Fraud on the Courts?)
Law Enforcement is HOLDING MOSES, Not THIS COURT. Says Judge Mindy Walker on 8-13-2021 at Michael Allmains Sentencing hearing.
If not for the LIEN Michael Allmain Would have had his Dog Back months Ago. Says Judge Mindy Walker.
8-12-2021 Sentencing Hearing Michael Allmain Case with Reverend Crystal Cox Commentary
Part ONE
Part TWO
Abandonment Statute Set Up LIE. Officer Wendy Davis Conspired with CVAR for the Abandonment Statute, THERE WAS NEVER Abandonment. Prosecuting Attorney Melissa Pleimann Conspires and Flat out LIES in a Court of Law stating that Michael Allmain NEVER tried to contact any of those people or agencies.
Jefferson County Washington Prosecuting Attorney Melissa Pleimann FLAT Out Lies to a Judge and Bears False Witness I say, in Stating Fraudulently that Michael Allmain Never Tried to Contact anyone therefore HE IS NOT GETTING HIS DOG BACK.
Michael Allmain Did Contact the Police, Wendy Davis and other, and the humane society and prosecuting office
November 26th, 2020 Michael Allmain contacts the Human Society
Officer Wendy Davis Deposition, she admits she talked to own next day, but still tried to set him up for Abandonment
November 24th 2020 Incident Report PROVING, not even 24 hours after the took Michael Allmain's Dog, he contacted that Exact Officer, yet she tried to set him up for Abandonment.
December 1st 202 email to CVAR from Officer Wendy Davis, DOG IS NOT ABANDONED, Owner is Upset and wants him back, admits owner contacted her
December 6th 2020 Incident Report, Michael Allmain Calls police about his dog, they refer him back to Officer Wendy Davis (630). Here is that Incident Report Below December 6th 2020
eMail Officer Wendy Davis of the Port Townsend Police to Sara Penhallegon, Director of Animal Rescue non-profit Center Valley Animal Rescue, "on the Premise" of the Abandonment Statute.
Sara Penhallegon of Center Valley Animal Rescue Initiates a Police Incident Report with the Port Townsend Police. Yet Officer Wendy Davis files her Official Incident Report as Officer Initiated. I Allege this is Fraud.
Sara Penhallegon of CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue, Initiates a Police Incident Report, Lodges a Complaint Via eMail, Yet Officer Wendy Davis says on her Official Incident Report that the Source of the Incident is Officer Initiated.
eMails clearly show that CVAR Sara Penhallegon emailed Port Townsend Police Officer Wendy Davis and lodged a complaint against Michael Allmain that same day and Officer Wendy Davis emailed Sara back then she set out to investigate that complaint, yet again she stalks and harasses Michael Allmain.
Officer Davis filed her report that day, fraudulently I allege, stating it was an Officer Initiated Incident Report that same Day of September 3rd, 2020. When Clearly it was CVAR initiated.
Here are the September 3rd, 2020 emails from a lodged complaint, Incident, CLEARLY initiated by Center Valley Animal Rescue Sara Penhallegon. And answered, responded to by Port Townsend Police Officer Wendy Davis.
Here we see September 3rd 2020 incident report showing that just after Officer Wendy Davis eMails Sara Penhallegon of CVAR back she goes out to find and question the suspect, Michael Allmain and you can see the Source she misleadingly claims.
I Allege the Above is Yet Another Crime and Violations of Michael Allmain's Rights, as Well as Fraud with Intent to Harm. I will be Filing a Third Party Complaint On this Too. Yet Another Officer LIE.
More on the September 3rd Emails Click Below
Port Townsend Cop, Officer Wendy Davis Conspires with local long established non-profit, Center Valley Animal Rescue and sets up a homeless man for a crime and STEALS his Dog. With years worth of Proven Intent to Do So.
Here We Have September 3, 2020, JUST 2.5 months Before they Let Moses off his Lead and STOLE him and their beloved Co-Conspirator Officer Wendy Davis, just happened to pick Moses up "at large" at the dog park.
Folks, Since that Fateful night of April 13th, 2019, CVAR and their Lynch Mob have conspired with a large amount of community members, as well as the following: Officer Officer Brian Peterson, Officer Kevin Denney, Prosecuting Attorney Melissa Pleimann, Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie, Officer Erik Allen, Officer Garin Williams, Prosecuting Attorney Chris Ashcroft, City Attorney Heidi Greenwood, Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy, Center Valley Animal Rescue, Sara Penhallegon, many from the CVAR Lynch mob Post, Officer Wendy Davis, Judge Mindy Walker, Judge Keith Harper, County Supervising Officer Ben Stamper, Supervising Officer Bret Anglin, Robert Heck, Commissioner Greg Brotherton, Attorney Adam Karp, and other John and Jane Does.
I Allege they Criminally Defamed Michael Allmain, they Endangered his Life, they set a relentless Mob after him that nearly killed him, they STOLE his Emotional Support Dog and nearly drove him to Suicide relentlessly, they caused massive endless anxiety and Mental Anguish for Michael Allmain. And a SERIOUS violation of Privacy Rights by Officer Wendy Davis and her CRUEL Crusade.
I Allege They Committed Fraud on the Court, they violated Michaels rights of Due Process, they deprived him of commercial income from puppies worth $800 to $2000 each and Moses had 7 to a batch. They deprived the owner of breeding Moses for profit and for Love. As Michael planned to have a puppy from Moses near the end of his life because he loves Moses so much.
They violated Michaels Civil Rights, Human Rights, Homeless Rights, and Constitutional Rights and in a time of a Statewide State of Emergency with the Pandemic. I allege they are guilty of Animal Cruelty as Moses did not need so much sedation, he did not need any with his owner there as the record shows, yet they deprived his owner, Michael Allmain, from seeing his dog, his family since he was a puppy.
Let's Look At these Emails
Officer Wendy Davis conspired with Center Valley Animal Rescue for a VERY long time, before finally setting up Michael Allmain for a Crime he was NOT Guilty of. Below is emails between CVAR, Sara Penhallegon and Officer Wendy Davis that CLEARLY shows that Michael Allmain was willing to get a vet. And the visit with Michael Allmain that Wendy is referring to in this eMail was recorded, Michael remember her asking permission to record him, and him telling her that he had no issue with Moses seeing a Vet but he wanted it in writing that they would bring him back after. I, Reverend Crystal Cox have tried all I can to get that Officer Cam Footage, so far the Port Townsend Police, the City of Port Townsend says Officer Wendy did not wear a Cam, she did and so one day we shall it, hopefully or that will be added to future legal action. For now the City says it does not exist.
Also in the email below we see Officer Wendy Davis yet again conspiring with CVAR to follow Michael and stalk him as do others admitted in the email with photos sent to CVAR Sara by her Lynch Mob that constantly stalked and threatened Michael Allmain. Click Here for a Few of the Stalkers.
We see in the email that Officer Davis is researching jurisdiction so they can seize the guy. And don't forget the play by play legal advice your Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie gave to CVAR on how to Get Michael Next time. Click Here for that eMail Thread.
Officer Wendy Davis seized Moses as Evidence, after he was "at Large" and after trying to get him to CVAR on Abandonment Statutes. Click Here for That. Anyway she lied in her probably cause and her testimony, Officer Davis had been conspiring with CVAR, and she admits in this email that Moses looked better, and they admit NOT Emaciated, as did the Testimony of CVAR Vet Christine Parker Graham Click here for that. Yet Officer Wendy Davis lied to a court, maliciously knowingly, as she admits in this email Michael was willing to get help. The set up and conspiring is clear and 2 months later they finally got MOSES for good and at the SEVERE mental anguish and near Death of Moses's owner Michael Allmain who they did not even allow to say Hello.
Below you see an email from Wendy Davis to Sara at CVAR yet again and they copied officer Erik Allen and Officer Garin Williams, side note here officer Garin Williams is the one who ticketed me for sleeping in my vehicle at The Maritime center.) After I gave witness for Michael Allmain against the City of Port Townsend.
ALL Your Tax Dollars that went into this Set Up, it was clearly a LIE the WHOLE Time.
Below is an email with the Subject: Wolf Hybrid from Center Valley Animal Rescue Sara Penhallegon to Officer Wendy Davis September 3rd, 2020 just 2 months before they SEIZED the GUY (Moses) for Good, after years of conspiring with Government Representatives throughout Jefferson County Washington.
the Email Says:
"Hi Wendy just want to touch base about this case. I got many calls from the RP today and a pic of this dog. This dog looks very dull/depressed in this picture and the shattering on the flank area makes him look emaciated but hard to say with just this picture one of our vets Christine, who was here today is willing to come back on Friday if you end up finding him and need a welfare exam done she is getting good at these and does great write-ups. I don't know what the city codes are but if there is no code stating dogs/cats have to go to the hsjc we are happy to help with this case if you need to seize this guy.
If money for the city is an issue I would think we could take this on, I will have to check with our board to be sure.
If the city code is the same as the counties I'm not sure we can help until we figure out a way to get added to the code, working on that. Let me know if I can help in any way. If he ends up at another vet and that vet has not done cruelty cases feel free to have them call me and I can walk them through what needs to be done to help build a solid case. I could also get you a list of what should get done that you could give to the vet or shelter. Thanks for working on this case and good luck. Sara Penhallegon."
THE ABOVE SHOWS that YET again CVAR was willing to foot the bill, yet in Bait and Switch, CVAR sued Michael Allmain for the bill, a lien they premeditated for years prior. And they billed the city and the county for Moses as Well. (Restitution Racket).
The Above also shows that they are Stalking Michael Allmain, and making him extremely stressed. To me this is yet another email that proves it was all a set up against Michael and by the City, by the County and a Local Prominent Non-Profit.
The subject of the email is regarding Wolf Hybrid, the email is dated Thursday September 3rd 2020 at 11:00 a.m. THIS IS ANOTHER HUGE PIECE OF EVIDENCE, Proving Malicious Intent, and Defamation while knowing what they were saying was False (Malice).
The eMail Says:
"Hi Sara, I am going to research jurisdiction and process today regarding welfare exams and protocol concerning HSJC.
When I've contacted the animal owner recently, he was willing to allow me to help with vetting care for the dog, and I will say that the dog is looking better than it has, but clearly needs care that the owner seems unable to provide at this time.
I will continue to look for them today and thank you for reaching out to help this animal. I'll be in touch with any progress made and information that I gather. Thank you Wendy Davis"
Hey Find Roady (Moses) I don't know city codes but if there are none, and you seize this guy, we can take him. Lets work together to Set this guy up for Cruelty Charges. Great Job Everyone.
CVAR Sara Says Hey If Money is a Problem with the City of Port Townsend We can Pay for it, Let Me Check with the Board (Bait and Switch Again?)
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