15 minute Meditations: Miracle Question

2 years ago

This is one to do before sleep. It is tempting to ask for a miracle to create material wealth, or magically lose weight, you will find that a true miracle is something within you that can get you those things. Something you miss, ignore, or and asset you don't realize you have. Sleeping and dreaming remove bias and belief, opening you to the inner you.

Perhaps a first miracle for you is to recognize your value in which case your life will most certainly change for the better. Perhaps it is to feel secure in yourself so you can create a great love relationship or change behaviours that drag you down.

You may need to listen for a few nights or even a week in a row to bring out the beautiful power that resides within, but lets not stop there. Once you get the miracle questions flowing, and see the initial results. You get to go again and keep working your sleep toward living your dream! Why not give it a good go, after all it is free.

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