lots to show but most people dunno

2 years ago

talented and good at what i do
what if my time is thru
what if i was about about money and vanity
at the same time i don't wanna join ______
telespam, another echo chamber that starts w/ a t
they want you to be a slave so they can track exactly how you behave
i shoulda been the headliner damnit
dj buckley is pretty funny tho
dj's joke on doomsday preppers
i feel the same way about govt and God
foolish to try to run away from the Lord
big govt pretends to be God
who doesn't wanna be God i mean cmon
if it weren't for numbskulls goin along with the shitshow...
"we could only be so lucky"
how long is Jesus' game of putt putt
ongoing (eternity)
Jesus is taking selfies (playing putt putt)

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