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45 Long and Leisure Vinyasa Flow

3 years ago

Hi its joy hoping this works! Yay!!! I guess uploading from my handheld device is better than Laptop upload??? 45 minute Vinyasa flow focusing on the Sacral chakra. Hello friends and thank you for watching!! I have had several issues with electronic devices!!! Please forgive me for the poor audio quality. I think I finally fixed the issue! I appreciate you understanding. I decided to release this video despite the poor audio. I hope you can see past it and enjoy a nice long and leisurely flow for beginners.

Our Sacral Chakra is the place where we create in our earthly plane. It's the place of procreation, artistic freedom, and manifestation. It's where dreams are created. This flow was to be a short flow. I couldn't figure out why it was taking awhile when I realized I had mistakenly used an hour sequence. Geeze, on top of all the tech issues. My brain had a technical issue....haha.

I hope you find enjoyment in this flow. Thank you for understanding that I'm new and I am trying to find my way. If you are interested in booking a Zoom class feel free to contact me at,
🌟Instagram http://instagram.com/insearchofjoywellness

Below is my other channel before I started my Yoga journey. On that channel I share beautiful, reiki attuned crystal jewelry. I you like crystals please stop by if you get a chance! Thanks for watching see you next week.

Check out my YouTube Channel and see the process and story of your crystal.

👉Here's the link for 15% OFF First Time Purchase: https://wearablegeology.com/discount/YTFRIENDS2021
🌟Website: http://wearablegeology.com
🌟NEED A CUSTOME CRYSTAL or A PRIVATE REIKI SESSION? SEND ME A NOTE, Email: http://wearable.geology@gmail.com
🌟Instagram http://instagram.com/wearable_geology_by_joy