imagine killing a baby being an option (ag stand up)

2 years ago

the best musical comedian
plz don't introduce me that way, such a downgrade
was gonna do cowbell
my impression of ronnit
reaching out to the Lord on stage
dog people shouldn't be allowed to vote, already codependent
i josh, nobody should vote
cartons for missing testosterone
more testosterone they'd find the children
wait three days
keep razorblade very handy
alt. title for new testament: and that's what God really meant you dumb jews
that was ronnit (my jew) laughing
and here we are again in
don't say it, i spray it make em remember the stench
americunts love being lied to
cunt do anything right
precious sex offenders can't be marginalized
if my gender had self-awareness they'd know that they're pregnant
self-driving cars are for women
man in my head since 1985
ag life in 5 words: now that you said sumin'
behind you...unlawful act of sodomy
lexi asked me about illuminati and got seminar (poor lexi)
pro multiple choice
by the book when it comes to the Bible
being chosen by God means always having the last laugh
the best way i could end this set
love shane, so fucking true
ag is the sexist comedian

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