We Are All Sinners - October 10, 2021

2 years ago

In Romans 1:16-17, we have the theme of the entire letter to the Romans. Paul, who once violently opposed the Christian faith, has now embraced it. He is fully committed to Jesus Christ, and he is not ashamed of the gospel. This message of good news is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes it, whether Jew or Gentile. From Old Testament times, it had been clear that to be acceptable to God, we must be righteous and holy, but the law only made it clear that we were neither righteous, nor holy. The law was incapable of transforming our lives. The gospel reveals the secret of how God can make us righteous and holy through faith. We enter into this righteousness by faith, and we live out this righteousness by faith. But in order for people to admit their need for this salvation, people have to first understand that they are sinners. It is only when we recognize that we are lost and separated from God, unable to save ourselves, that the message of the gospel is seen to be Good News!

Here are the Bible passages that were used in the preparation of this message:
Psalm 14:1-3
Ecclesiastes 7:20
Romans 1:1 - 3:20

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Have questions? You can contact me by e-mail at: pasteur.epen@protonmail.com

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