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the beach is free shit

3 years ago

when you go somewhere else you figure out what where you were
saw a lot of south carolina
they always gotta make everything about bad stuff
the man in my head hasn't critiqued my driving in 4days so he's ready to go
we didn't do it by the way
ag still feels weird about fornication
just not sleeping around seems like such an accomplishment these days
morals&ethics are hard to come by, they don't even try
what's worse disgarding or disregarding
...not just cos i'm a hoarder
another state trooper but he was BLACK
pause button from the end of the world
judson told me that murtle beach was open during the entire "pandemic" 2020
usually write about their cnn habit
they don't need help but ya know the govt
questions i want people to ask me bit
what would you do w/out bubble letters
nice to come back but was upset when i woke up
hurricanes & weather machine
people live right up the street from the beach, that's crazy man
that must be so nice to have a beach house every summer
there should be nuts to butts traffic at the beach
if you have legs you can walk n shit
what people take for granite boggles my mind


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