Weekly Live Cast Voice DDB Oct 3rd

3 years ago

My name is David Daniel Ball and I am the voice of freedom coming to you from the oppressed of Australia and Melbourne. The Victorian state premier, Dan Andrews is denying freedom to Victorians and is safe from prosecution. The NSW Premier offered freedom in NSW and has had to leave office a persecuted figure. NSW has performed better than Victoria despite Victoria having had more and more stringent lockdowns. The Victorian Premier had killed over a hundred Victorians in a previous lockdown through mismanagement. When challenged as to the reason for the mismanagement the Victorian Premier claimed he forgot as his staff were caught deleting relevant articles.

Lockdowns are as ineffective as face masks. I must wear a face mask indoors and out doors despite being double vaccinated. My employer who cannot employ me under lockdown has had to check that I am double vaccinated. I will not be allowed to work until February next year. Those who claim face masks keep me safe point to studies made in hospitals where the sickly are densely populated. I can point to the ridiculous spread of Covid variants despite curfew, lockdown and face masks. Something is wrong. I am not allowed, were I to contract COVID, to treat it with Ivermectin, HCQ or Fenofibrate despite all three being effective medications. Instead I have been double vaccinated when the vaccine may be more deadly than COVID.

A Christian Evangelist who targeted Jews asked me to clarify my outrage. I do so.
NB. FB deleted a post I made on the issue
“I ask forgiveness from Jews who experienced horrible persecution because of my arrogance in believing that my theology was more important than the incessant wounds they suffered for almost 2000 years at the hands of Christians.”

Read it aloud and try to see what might be offensive to a Jewish person, even one who was not religious, but ethnically Jewish. I have Jewish family, and lost some to the holocaust. My Jewish ancestors had gone to Poland from Horowice, which gave them a name, and Jacobs, which gave them another, but last names are not a Jewish thing. You may wish forgiveness for arrogance. You are not important enough that your belief was responsible for their horrible persecution. That persecution was persistent and real and largely documented, but not entirely. Sometimes some of the persecutors asked forgiveness of G-d, but continued. Today, one wound Jews feel terribly is when evangelical Christians claim their young using sophisticated arguments the young are not conditioned to respond to. Jewish peoples do not proselytise, but raise their young in accordance with their scripture. They feel real anger when their young are taken from them by hucksters.

My family fled the pogroms of the Tsars. Before that, they fled many Christian leaders. You may have heard of Hypatia and Saint Cyril, there had been Alexandrian Jews that Cyril ‘loved’ too. The New World was discovered when a persecuted Spanish Jew named Columbus set sail. Japan’s second religion is an offshoot from Jewish slaves dating back to a hundred years or so after Jonah, it is in DNA records. And yet, despite the thousands of years of persecution, the Jewish community retains her indomitable character. I believe God did something very special when they were in that desert, and God has a plan which includes them. I don’t know what it is. But I’m not so arrogant to think I can impugn on their good will by targeting their young without consequence. Disraeli is said to have observed “Two thousands years of Christian love has left the Jews feeling nervous.” Yet Disraeli was Christian. I ask G-d for guidance on this issue, and I believe I need to be humble. And I’m saying to you that needs to inform your mission. And if that is not possible for you, go somewhere else.

The following day, I got further messages
Brian Rocker I'm really confused David at what you're getting at? Who's targeting youth? And I don't understand what's wrong with Brother Tommy or myself or anyone else repenting for the sins of our fathers like Daniel did while in Babylon. I'm really confused at your post. Can you explain so we can understand the offense you feel? Thanks!

For some, failing to understand is a gift. When the Lord finally returns and tells his people of his love, Brian and Tommy might say 'huh?'

I apologise. I'm angry. I may be dead in a few years, having been lucky to have lived so long. I see a world of promise, and I see that promise squandered by the corrupt. When I was young, I dreamt of a positive answer to that eternal question, is their intelligent life on Earth? Andrews, Biden and Trudeau say 'no'

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