How To Custom Light With LED RGB Smart Lights In A Humidor Or Anything Else

3 years ago

I decided to improve the LED lighting that came in my Reagan Cabinet Humidor. I wanted something brighter, that would light all the cigars all the time, with no permanent modifications to the unit, and be fully automatic with the doors opening and closing. Beyond that I added it to my smart home and it's fully controllable from Alexa via voice commands anywhere plus any of my phones, tablets or computers. I used Samsung sensors and a lot of custom wiring and connectors to make it all seamless and invisible. You can mix and match components based on your needs, to build whatever you like, to light any project you can think of! Rooms, closets, behind a TV, cabinets, humidor, winadors, etc.

Parts list:
Dual 16' Alexa RGB Light Kit
Single 16" Alexa RGB Light Kit
Samsung SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor
100ft 3/8 inch Braided Sleeving
10mm Strip to Strip Solderless Connector
10mm 4 Pin RGB LED Strip Connectors 6 Inch
65.6 ft 4 Color 22 AWG RGB Extension Cable Line
RGB LED Connector 4Pin Strip to Wire Quick Connection
Dual Wall Adhesive Lined Heat Shrink Tubing

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