Word from the Lord Part 1

3 years ago

Eccl 3:15 KJV

8-23-2014 Vision Volcanoe/Hawaii, Brady Bunch Hawaii episode, Hawaiian dancers..."Destruction in Miami."

11-7-2020 "Catastrophe cannot concede" "caution" "culinary coast" (Delaware, USA)

1-2019 "Boeing Jet" See snapchat with sparkly white, smoking volcanoe followed by a rocket coming down.

6-6-2021 "Mount of offense" (Vision of myself on mountain top, kew this was a war strategy, like "mount up") "Oppression coming to all my child." "Rose of Sharon"

7-10-21 "At the serpent's mouth" (Rev, also a constellation)

9-2021 "The serpent tail" (Constellation as well)

9-20-21 "Utah" "Costa Rica"

9-21-21 (Prayed about previous word) "Caldera"(reminded of rocket vision & Hawaii)

9-26-21 (After praying for more understanding) "Seismic Zone" "Thytira approaching fast." (Rev)

9-28-21 (After more prayer regarding these words) "Damascus...a ruinous heap.) (Heard in 2014 as well) "Antioch"

9-30-21 "Shown an Etrog, large & yellow in a vision.) In vision the large yellow Etrog was in my mouth.

NEW WORD 10-1-2021 "Coronal Mass Ejection."

WORD: 10-6-2021 "Gieiger Counter."






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