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The Gates of Jerusalem Preface

3 years ago

The Gates of Jerusalem Preface
The Gates of Jerusalem.
Third Edition. Revised.
Russell Elliott,
With New Preface.
"The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem." (Lam. 4:12).
"For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.” (Acts 20:29).
"As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore, and repent." (Rev. 3:19).
Russell Elliott, 34, Cliff Road, Hyde Park, Leeds.
The writer, if he may here be allowed to make a personal statement, has pursued an opposite course. His own convictions, as well as circumstances, have led him outside all sectarian barriers. The freedom and joy he has found with the Lord in a path of true liberty are beyond expression. While he does not recognize, nor can he be bound by, any circle of meetings, he will gladly visit anywhere scriptural order is maintained; the Holy Ghost owned as the true source of worship and ministry, and the glory of the Lord sought in obedience to His Word; and where he will be received simply as a servant of Christ and a member of His body, the Church. To other tests and limitations, he dare not submit. Where in Scripture do we find a circle of meetings spoken of as defining our fellowship and our sphere of service? Where are we exhorted to belong to one such?

In all my podcasts I try to apply scripture to real-life experiences. And I expound on what I believe the scripture is trying to convey to us. We need to dig deep into God's Word to find out what life is all about, and how to live like God wants us to do and how to do it.

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