A rare sight of a whale prompts a player to play with humans in Argentina

2 years ago

The killer whale is a species of odontocete cetacean belonging to the Delphinidae family, which inhabits all the oceans of the planet. It is the largest species of dolphin and the only current recognized species within the genus Orcinus. This cetacean has a robust and hydrodynamic complexion.

Scientific name: Orcinus orca Family: Delphinidae Species: O. orca; Linnaeus, 1758 Animalia Kingdom Length: Male: 6 - 8 m, Female: 5 - 7 m Average lifespan: Female: 10 - 45 years (In captivity), Male: 10 - 30 years (In captivity) Body Mass: Male: 3,600 - 5,400 kg (Adult), Female: 1,400 - 2,700 kg (Adult)

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