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Conversations with Claire 3: Hominine - a geopolitical thriller by Lewis Evans

3 years ago

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How do we birth our new paradigm? How do we visualise it? What will it look and feel like? How will we live it? How do we get from here to there? Where do we start? In a series of conversations, Claire Edwards and friends talk about their ideas for building a world in which humanity can thrive.

In the third of a series of conversations, Claire Edwards discusses with Lewis Evans his book Hominine, which is a geopolitical thriller that actually provides us with the unique solution to our woes at this time. While being a work of fiction and highly entertaining, it makes us think and takes us step by step through the process that can lead us out of our current dilemma and effectively show us the way forward to the new paradigm. Sean Stone, please help humankind by directing this film!

For more Conversations with Claire (playlist): https://www.brighteon.com/watch/f07429ee-5740-4dcd-a3ec-6e65eccbabb4?index=1

Hominine, the book:

My website is available at https://forlifeonearth.weebly.com/ for more information on my work and the main channel on https://www.brighteon.com/channels/clairity