2 years ago

Come to the polls with Electric Butterfly in Los Angeles, CA and watch with horror as she fights like hell to exercise her right to vote AND retain her religious and medical freedom all at the same time.

This is a tale filled with lots of forced hand sanitizer, religious and medical discrimination, as well as poll workers doubling as Gestapo agents that did everything in their power to stop a law abiding American citizen from voting!

Honestly, it's disgusting to see the lengths that these idiots and POLICE OFFICERS went to, to discriminate against me: Vote outside with no polling booths because I am exercising my RIGHT TO RELIGIOUS AND MEDICAL FREEDOM?? Gave me incorrect ballots, envelopes and false instructions to ensure that my vote DOES NOT COUNT?? You know where they can stick that? It took me 6 hours and FOUR different polling locations to finally be treated with dignity and respect, NOT have hand sanitizer forced upon me, NOT have a medical device for my face that is against my religion and medical freedom forced upon me AND be given the CORRECT DOCUMENTS, ENVELOPE AND INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO VOTE WITH A HANDWRITTEN BALLOT!!! Sad, but true. Newscum really DID go to any lengths to keep voters from voting to recall his sorry ass!

And, not to worry. This video is already in the hands of Project Veritas, the GOP election integrity committee (for whatever that's worth), and The Election Integrity Project. I've got this!! PEOPLE IT'S TIME TO SUIT UP, SHOW UP, STAND UP AND SPEAK UP to fight this tyranny and lawlessness!!

Newscum is under the DELUSION that he is above the law!! He's not. And We the People will prove that to his sorry ass by making damn sure he is LOCKED UP FOR LIFE IN GITMO so fast his head will be spinning!!! At that point, Larry Elder, who won this election fair and square will kick Newscum's ass to the curb. What I find hilarious, because it's so absurd is that Newscum actually thinks he has a fighting chance for the 2024 presidential race!! I honestly don't know how he's going to campaign from his prison cell in GITMO.

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