I had a dream of forced vaccines

3 years ago

The 2-minute video shown below was uploaded to YouTube over 12 years ago, on August 13, 2009, published by YouTube channel JesusISComingRUReady.

Amazingly, she describes what appears to be unfolding today with mandatory vaccines being administered by military soldiers going house to house. In the dream, she fled from her home with her family members because they knew the injections were lethal.

It’s hard for some people to believe our government would try to kill us. It surprised me too when I was first warned about it in a dream in 2014. I wondered why anyone would want to mass murder all of us, but it’s because we’re in the midst of a war against God and His people which has continued from the beginning when Lucifer rebelled against God along with one third of the angels. They’ve been scheming ever since to destroy Jews and Christians which is why any nation with a lot of either of these groups is targeted for destruction.

The Bible warns about these things, including an end-time scheme to deceive the whole world through the “administration of drugs”, as found in Revelation 18:23, “for by your “pharmakeia” all the nations were deceived.”

Pharmakeia is a Greek word that some translations have translated as “sorcery” but it is defined as “to administer drugs.” It’s where we get the English words pharmaceuticals and pharmacy. I believe we’re now seeing the fulfillment of this prophetic warning.

This passage of scripture also reveals the one who is behind this wicked scheme is called the “mother of all harlots.” Other scriptures reveal this harlot is based in Rome, which has operated under different names throughout the centuries, but today operates as the Jesuit controlled Vatican, including the current Pope Francis, the first openly Jesuit pope.

If you’re not familiar with the Jesuit’s control over the Vatican and over the US government and many other governments around the world, please see my previous post, It’s Time to Get a Biblical Perspective of What’s Really Happening in the World.

For more evidence, listen to my 77-minute podcast, “It’s not the Rothschilds or the Illuminati or the Freemasons. It’s the Jesuits.”

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