Remembering Herbert W. Armstrong - Trumpet Daily | Jan. 16, 2025

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[00:30] The Democrat Machine Is Broken (22 minutes)
Democrats’ attempts to hijack the confirmation hearings for Donald Trump’s presidential appointments are backfiring. Meanwhile, all eyes are on the Middle East as Israel and Hamas try to negotiate a ceasefire.

[22:30] Herbert W. Armstrong: Ambassador for World Peace (33 minutes)
Herbert W. Armstrong was a powerful radio and television evangelist who delivered a message about the World Tomorrow and explained world events in the light of Bible prophecy. As an unofficial ambassador for world peace, he visited and was acclaimed by leaders around the world. On the 39th anniversary of his death, we take a look back at Mr. Armstrong’s life and work.

Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on January 16, 2025. 

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