Healthy and easy recipes - weight loss keto recipe Almond Butter Cheesecake

3 years ago

Healthy and easy recipes - weight loss keto recipe Almond Butter Cheesecake (Ingredients Below)

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5 Foods you should eat on a Keto diet
Preparation / cooking time: 15 minutes
🍽 Servings: 1

30g Cream Cheese
1/2 cup Whipping Cream
1 tsp Almond Butter, unsweetened
1 tsp - 1 Tbsp Stevia, depends on your preference
1 Tbsp Almonds, chopped as toppings

1) Using a food processor, add the cream cheese first.
2) Then add the whipping cream.
3) Add the almond butter.
4) Lastly, add the stevia.
5) Process until the texture is smooth.
6) Serve in a small cup or bowl and add the chopped almonds. Serve.
Note: You can chill for 30minutes if you want.

➡️ Nutritional Information:
Energy - 600.5 kcal
Protein - 8g
Fat - 58.9g
Carbohydrates - 9.6g
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