Healthy and Easy Recipes / Weight loss keto recipe: Hoisin Butter Prawns

3 years ago

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5 Foods you should eat on a Keto diet

100g Prawns, peeled and deveined
1 Tbsp Butter
1 tsp cracked Black Peppercorns
1 tsp Ginger, minced
1 Tbsp Hoisin Sauce
1.5 tsp Sesame Seeds
Spring onions for garnish

1) Heat butter in a pan.
2) Add ginger and black pepper. Sauté until aromatic..
3) Add prawns and stir for 1-2 minutes.
4) Stir in hoisin sauce.
5) Top with sesame seeds and spring onions to serve.

➡️ Nutritional Information:
Energy - 252 kcal
Protein - 21g (34%)
Fat - 15g (52%)
Carbohydrates - 8g (13%)
Fiber - 1g
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