The new health epidemic of the 21st century is……? Unlisted Video

3 years ago

The new health epidemic of the 21st century is……?

If you guessed C 19, you are not far off the mark.

The right answer is Chronic Stress.

It is so pervasive, that it has been dubbed the “top health challenge of the 21st century” by medical experts.

It is super scary because if it is left unchecked, it can lead to fatigue, headaches, IBS, high blood pressure, low libido, anxiety, depression, and chronic illness.

Just thinking about all that can be stressful!

But the great news is, is that Pete and I can help you!

We use proven techniques that help replace stress with calm, positive, productive feelings, and greater resourcefulness in life.

Peter is a recognized 21-century medical detective, NLP Coach, Biomedx practitioner, energy medicine practitioner, with 40 years in the health industry.

He is an avid researcher, who has helped tens of thousands of clients get through the sticky patches in life and gives his clients a return to health in the shortest possible time.

Grada is a recognized master practitioner in Energy Medicine and mindset work, and a teacher in the field of personal and spiritual development.

Grada has a reputation as the Sherlock Holmes of healing and transformation.

She will be able to help you resolve even the toughest problems, whether they are of a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual nature.

Listen to Pete and Grada share some uplifting stories in this lifestream, and if you found it helpful, please share with your loved ones.

No matter what challenges are facing, EVERYONE needs NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT now more than ever.

Sifting to confusion health information leads to more stress.

Click below to read Grada's full blog ....

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