History of the Democrat Party and their Marxist/Socialist plans for Dem. cities/states and the U.S.

3 years ago



To clarify what is happening today I had to go all the way back to the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln (Republican) / Stephen A, Douglass (Democrat) election of 1860. We rapidly move forward to the establishment of the Federal Reserve by Woodrow Wilson (Democrat). The Kennedy years could have changed the world but he was assassinated bringing the war mongering government expansionist Lyndon B. Johnson to power.

Then Ronald Regan and Newt Gingrich ushered in the first truly Republican era in a hundred years. The U.S. went back to sleep as RINO's like George Bush Senior and Junior back up by RINO Dick Cheney expanded governments reach further.

The brings us all the way forward to the MAGA movement and what the Biden administration and the Democrats have in mind for the U.S. as they transport hardened MS-13 criminal gang members through out the U.S. and bring in illegal immigrants by the hundreds of thousands.

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