Pandemic Timeline - HTF do you map a 30,000 nucleotide RNA sequence in 14 days

2 years ago

I've been creating a timeline to document the intricacies of how incredibly sophisticated and compartmentalised the pandemic was. I personally believe that there were many bad actors that were unawares - they were too compartmentalised, naive possibly, but not malicious. Multilateral Big Pharma and big Biotech are way too powerful to be ever be deterred from a speeding ticket fine from the FDA or EMA. Also the vaccine platform ambivalent (Gene therapy vaccines) are still waiting for a consensus statement from the authorities that concede that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon and therefore the vaccine manufacturers need to incorporate that notion in designing vaccines. China hasn't used any Gene therapy vaccines yet. They are doing their own trials on Comirnaty and Moderna.

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