Psalms musical@ liqour store, take7

3 years ago

this is it yawl in a sparkly pink binder
19min left and i don't think we're gonna make it
if liquor store blows up that would not only suck for me but all those that need rum+newpies
vortex, resting on ashtray atop trash can
best shot you're ever gonna take is the Scripture
i feel drunk with no hangover
you don't make a buncha mistakes, you do the opposite
We will declare what He hath done for my soul!!!
your heart shall live that seek God!!!
my lips shall greatly rejoice..
it's okay to be angry, just let Him handle it
open thy mouth wide and i will fill it...DONE!
ye are that's what Jesus meant
throwback to old testament
yawl ain't doin it right so lemme re-itterate
black ebonical Jesus is the projects of jerusulem (technically bethlehem)
be not still, oh God
the Lord is a sun and a shield
the singers as the players on instruments...
once again, really hope He's talking about me

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