What Country Owns the Most Gold? | 2021 | Gold Reserves by Country 🏆📊

2 years ago

This data visualization ranks gold reserves (measured in tonnes) held by central banks and also includes the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the BIS (Bank for International Settlements).

A gold reserve was the gold held by a national central bank, intended mainly as a guarantee to redeem promises to pay depositors, note holders (e.g. paper money), or trading peers, during the eras of the gold standard, and also as a store of value, or to support the value of the national currency.

During most of history, a nation's gold reserves were considered its key financial asset and a major prize of war.

The World Gold Council estimates that all the gold ever mined totaled 190,040 metric tons in 2019 but other independent estimates vary by as much as 20%. At a price of US$1,250 per troy ounce ($40 per gram), reached on 16 August 2017, one metric ton of gold has a value of approximately $64.3 million. The total value of all gold ever mined would exceed $7.5 trillion at that valuation and using WGC 2017 estimates.

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#Gold #Shorts #BarChartRace #DataVisualization #DataRanking #DataComparison

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