Not Scared

3 years ago

Change. So much is changing so quickly. Change is naturally chaotic as we try to adapt. Myriads of things we grew up with are changing quickly, a lot of things changing, it makes us feel lost. Do you feel lost in all the cultural changes going on? The best thing to do is look to God. God is with us every single movement to ever single choice. Change does not scare God. The heart of the Gospel is change. When we are in a state of flux at a cross road in our lives, the best thing to do, is look up, listen up and do the next right thing. God always has a next right thing for us to do. God is always prepared for us in our next choices, He has gone before us. God knows. We should not fear change, because God is in the change and already knows the outcome He has purposefully planned. During times of change, where God transition is in play in our lives, the enemy comes in as a source of confusion trying to drift us off course with dastardly distractions. How do we not lose our focus during a transition? What has God asked us to do? Go back to the last thing God asked us to do, real align our course and stay the course until God charts a new course, navigating us by His wisdom and revelation. God never leaves us in times of change, He is right there with us. We do not fear change. We let go of the past and let God usher in the new. God has a plan, an endgame that is magnificent and He will work it out in His way, His timing and His purpose in play will not be denied a good finish. God finishes what He starts and He finishes well. Dig Deeper:

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