Firsthand Experience: Hospital Protocol Weaknesses

3 years ago

Texas has a medical Bill-of-Rights and a hospital Bill-of-Rights specifically written to protect patients. You can be an advocate. Take every step you can to be well-informed and prepared for what you need to do, or what should be requested, in the event that the virus affects your family.

C-19 hospitalizations and deaths are far higher than they should be but it is not because people are dying of the C word. It is bad hospital policy that is killing C-19 patients who are unfortunate enough to be hospitalized.

Two facts you need to know but, your government or the main stream media will not tell you:
1. C-19 patients are being hospitalized because they are not receiving preventative or early treatment.
2. Hospitalized C-19 patients who die, do so because of hospital protocol policy; not because they have the C word.

Kate Dalley, our guest in this interview today, recently saved her husband who had contracted C-19, from a sure death not from the C-19, but from draconian “hospital protocol policy”. You are going to want to watch and listen all the way to the end as she tells us how she was able to get the hospital’s ineffective C-19 treatment policy set aside and replaced with the treatments advocated by the frontline doctors who have been saving C-19 patients for over a year now.

Her information equipped me, like it can you, to take ownership of our right to look and ask for the treatments which we or our sick family members need. We need not be intimidated by hospital captive doctors who will try to convince us otherwise. We can listen to the frontline doctors who know what they are doing and actually care about the outcome, not just the money. I truly believe in the treatments for C-19 symptoms advocated by the frontline doctors, which have helped many individuals recover successfully, and I intend to use them.

Remember, neither Kate Dalley or I are doctors and we are not giving medical advice. We are simply sharing with you our experiences and what we have been told by independent, “non-hospital” doctors who have been and are continuing to successfully treat the symptoms brought about by C-19.

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