Doc Parsley | John Welbourn Interview - COVID-19, Staying Health, and Exercising At Home

2 years ago

With schools, gyms, sports, and other forms of social and physical activity on indefinite hold, what’s a person to do?

Should you give up on activity altogether, or should you go full speed into a high-intensity, daily home workout routine?

As you know, I’m the sleeping guy, but I’m also invested in helping you optimize your overall health - Especially given all that’s going on in the world!

That’s why I recently teamed up with my good friend John Welbourn to discuss the exercise in the time of COVID-19.

John, a former NFL player and CEO of Power Athlete, has been feverishly working the last few weeks to help people develop workout regimens to boost their immune systems.

So before you dust off those old running shoes and try to shave a few seconds off your 5k, I strongly suggest you check out our interview below to ensure you’re selecting the workout that will best serve you and your immune function.

💪 Learn about John's free at-home workout program:

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