Surf City Tea General Meeting – August 23, 2021

2 years ago

On August 23, 2021 the Surf City Tea held its monthly general meeting to a packed house and celebrated its 10 year anniversary. Speakers included:

• Andrew Di Giovanna, Staffer to Congresswoman Michelle Steel, provided us with a congressional update.
• The Orange County Republican Party’s Kelly Ernby spoke about the OC precinct program and how we are going to take Huntington Beach back block by block.
• Former HB Planning Commissioner Michael Hoskinson and HB Finance Commissioner Frank Lo Grasso spoke about the City Council’s $400 million purchase of the ELAN and Breakwater apartment buildings.

For more information:

The Surf City Tea Mission:
We are citizens, just like you, who are very concerned about the direction our country is taking. The people’s government is shifting away from adherence to our Constitution and towards the implementation of failed Statist and Socialist policies. We must all stand up and stand together to restore our Founding Principles and save our Great Nation.

Consistent with the Tea Party Patriot’s three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets, Surf City Tea seeks to bring together Constitutionally Based Conservatives to develop a strategy to attract, educate, organize and mobilize our fellow citizens in support of our key policy initiatives consistent with the core founding principles of the United States of America.

Surf City Tea meetings are held the second to last Monday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Elks Lodge located at 771 Talbert Ave, Huntington Beach.

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