Philip Morrison Singing His Original "What Might Have Been"

2 years ago

"What Might Have Been" - Music and Lyrics by Philip Morrison Copyright 2008



We first met in autumn splendor
You and he still shared one name
Though sparks struck tinder
I put out the flame
Put out what might have been


I could sense your bonds were bow-tied
With one jerk, they'd come un-done
To sink so low I'd taint the joy I'd won
I'd taint what might have been


In my dreams, we hadn't met
Til your soul was free
You'd left him or better yet
Your life's one love was saved for me.


You and he went on together
I delayed, ear to the ground
Seemed like I'd never
Hear that you had found
He was the worst royal pain yet to be crowned
Then when the word came
I was westward-bound
I longed for Fall and then
I pondered Might-Have-Been
Today I dream what might have been


Might Have Been

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