Billie Beene E1-224 82021 President Trump Aug 22/Khaz Mafia /Med Beds/Plus!

3 years ago

Billie is reporting on the following:

1. The incident in Afghanistan with the rescue of Americans was a distraction from the Arizona vote count. According to Monkey Werx, he is saying that this plane was not really there because he tracks all kinds of commercial, private and military aircraft. What we all saw on our TV's was produced via CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery). All that was reported about this event was not true. It was also reported that 6,000 people were on that plane. Impossible!!! There is no way that plane could hold 6,000 people.
2. ShariRaye brought out info on the Electoral College that President Trump has 410 electoral votes and Biden only had 128 votes. This proves that the election was stolen and there is massive fraud in the American voting system that must be cleaned up.
3. Sarge is saying that the CIA shadow strongholds are going down. The Taliban we are all seeing on TV are all students under the guidance of the Alliance.
4. North Korea joined the Alliance a long time ago and this leaves Iran, their shadow part still in place but the non-shadow part has joined the Alliance just as many other nations have joined the Alliance. There are shadow governments in all countries and they are being taken down.
5. Jim Willie and Scot McKay are saying that Switzerland where the shadow CIA has gone underground under Lake Geneva, have a submarine that can take them all the way to the Atlantic Ocean.
6. CirstenW is talking about Australia, New Zealand that they are on lockdown because there are multiple militaries operating in both countries. They are in the process of bringing down a large Cabal location that runs from Australia to New Zealand that is called Pine Gap and it is thousands of years old. It goes down for miles and it has in it multiple species of ET's and much more.
7. CirstenW is also bring out about Pine Gap that it is the headquarters for the ACIO (Alien Contact Intelligence Organization). The ACIO is about 40,000 years old and they have multiple locations.
8. CirstenW is saying that the JB (Joe Biden) we are seeing is a clone because the real JB is in Walter Reed Army Medical Center since June of 2021. The clone has blue eyes and no dementia. A clone has no soul.

Billie is bringing much more she is reporting on and you do not want to miss the remainder of her report...

God, Bible, Patriot Subscribers + Gene Decode, Paul Begley-Mike FATW, Mike Penny, Israeli News Live -Steven Ben-nun
Jim Willie-Scott McKay - Cabal Plans Will Fail!
Benjamin Fulford - The March 11, 2011, Attack on Fukushima and its Aftermath
Monkey Werx - Busted! This Aircraft Is Not in Kabul! Overwatch SITREP 8 18 21
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Dark Outpost - GITMO Executions - Schiff's Execution: Cried Like a Baby? 1984: Cracking the Code
Cristenw - Arrests of Deep State Operatives & Huge New Intel Updates Show via Standing Tall Broadcast Australia
Sarge (Icons 2020)-Linda Paris - McAllister TV - CIA Stronghold Is Over! Iran Freedom Is Next!
Real Raw News - Military Hangs Susan Rice
Truth by Billie Beene E1-194 Dr Steve Pieczenik -Pres T Back Soon!/75 K Chicoms in Canada!
ShariRaye - TRUMP 410- BIDEN 128!!!!!!!!!!! FRAUD IN HOUSTON, AUSTIN AND DALLAS!!!!!!!!!


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