Billie Beene E1-194 Dr. Steve Pieczenik - President Trump Back Soon!/75 K Chicoms in Canada!

3 years ago

It is being reported that ten days of darkness are close at hand. Three days of the ten days of darkness there will be no electricity and this is really close.

Dr. Steve Pieczenik is saying that many of the Chinese students in the U.S. are spies for the CCP.

Close to the boarder of Canada and the U.S. there is an off-world corporation named Monarch. It is being reported that there are 500K there made up of the Cabal, ET's, hybrids and cross-breeds. Also there are human sex slaves there and other humans working there.

On December 11, 2020, we, the U.S., had our first attack from the CCP deep underground from Monarch. The U.S. had four ships and they sent out a plane to drop a bomb. The CCP shot it down with some kind of ionized bean that split the plane in two. The pilot and co-pilot were rescued. The bomb that was dropped killed 75K CCP troops.

Billie has much more she is reporting on and you do not want to miss the remainder of her report...

God, Bible, Patriot Subscribers, Gene Decode, Dr. Jim Willie, Gen. Mike Flynn, World News Report Now, Super Soldier Talk, Paul Begley-Mike
Alex Jones Info Wars - Dr. Steve Pieczenik: 'January 6 False Flag', 'We Are In The Midst Of A Military Coup' Plus Much More
Cristenw - Canada earthquakes, snow, #Intel, Reset Eminent =Intel Cyber Attacks
Map - Brit Col Canada - area of Meytle Park - Mrytle Lake-Mrytle Lagoon
Truth by Billie Beene E1-193 Pres T Soon!/Antarctica Shoot-out!/Med Beds!
(Alternative Location:
Bible by Billie Beene E3 -Pass. Tr. Prov 2 P2


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