Is there NO RELATION ?? Olympic & Infection in Japan...

2 years ago

Yesser scholars, critics, and doctors are chorusing "The Olympic Games has no-relation to the current spread of CCP virus infection!" , or "mRNA Vaccines are quite safe and secure. The side effects are extremely rare and you will not be worsen if inoculated ..." on mass media. But ... is that really true...? Actually many doctors here reluctantly make Death certificate as caused BY CORONA VACCINATION, for that means Government must pay approx. JPY 40,000,000 to the bereaved family. So many people's death have been reported as UNKNOWN, then so far no person, ZERO person, has died by the mRNA vaccination in Japan.

However the fact that many UNKNOWN death happened is REAL, even Mother Nature doesn't say anything but the truth is presented silently as the Almighty God always does. Thus wise men judges correctly, and the fool is deceived by words. The following may be an example, that shows the number of infected people from Feb. 2020 to Aug. 2021, and monthly Transition of excess deaths from June 2020 to Aug. 2021 in Japan.

--- (c) 2021 Osamu Terao, Allrights reserved ---

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