Angelina Jolie: You Win the Custody Battle.

2 years ago

Angelina Jolie: You Win the Custody Battle.
Angelina Jolie’s motion to dismiss Judge John Ouderkirk has been followed up.
There are doubts about its impartiality.
He had previously given Brad Pitt more time with his five children.
At the end of May, Brad Pitt, 57, won a joint custody victory in a legal battle with Angelina Jolie, 46, over their children.
But now the tide is turning.
Angelina had already filed a motion to dismiss Judge John Ouderkirk in August 2020.
Now her wish has been granted.
Several US media reports, including People magazine, unanimously.
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However, an appeals court has now decided that the responsible judge, John Ouderkirk, will be dismissed after an application by Angelina.
He is accused of not having sufficiently disclosed a business relationship with the Hollywood star’s lawyers, which is why the judge’s impartiality could be questioned.

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