(中英字幕)新冠逆苗含劇毒99.99%氧化石墨烯!西班牙醫學團隊光譜顯微鏡鐵證出爐!揭露菁英逆苗人口滅絕計劃!Covid V@ccines contains 99.99% toxic Graphene Oxide! Spanish Researchers Exposed NWO's Depopulation Plan.

3 years ago

https://rumble.com/vl92se-99.99.html Covid V@ccines contains 99.99% of toxic Graphene Oxide! The Spanish medical team exposed the NWO depopulation plan! 新冠逆苗含劇毒99.99%氧化石墨烯!西班牙醫學團隊光譜顯微鏡鐵證出爐!揭露逆苗人口滅絕計劃!(中文字幕) 西班牙醫學團隊通過數百次的實驗結果,揭發輝瑞逆苗主要成份為氧化石墨烯,在電子顯微鏡下,對照逆苗與工業用的石墨烯圖樣,有近乎完全相同的特徵。石墨烯是有毒的金屬,比鈦金屬堅硬4000倍,若你接種了石墨烯後,會產生火燒的炎症、可導致細胞膜損害、細胞凋亡、基因損壞、趨化因子破損,像火燒般的發炎風暴來襲,可引致肺部急性炎症、心臟炎症、甚至腦組織炎症風暴,直接引發中風和心臟病發作,甚至死亡!未來若人體中的氧化石墨烯在加倍的5G網絡電波刺激下,更可被利用來操控人類的思想和整個身體。根據一眾專家學者指證,這是恐怖的人體實驗,這是世界人口大屠殺的極危險生物科技實驗!正如主持人所說:「除了殺人,根本沒理由加入石墨烯!
Covid V@ccines contains highly toxic 99.99% graphene oxide! Elite's Depopulation Murder Plan Exposed! Through hundreds of experimental results, the Spanish medical team revealed that Pfizer's Covid V@ccines contains 99.99% of toxic Graphene Oxide! Under electronic microscopes, they conducted hundreds tests, comparing Pfizer Covid V@ccine with industrial Graphene patterns. They discovered they had almost exactly the same characteristics and shapes. Graphene is a toxic metal, which is 4000 times harder than titanium. If you inoculate graphene, it will cause fire inflammation, which can cause cell membrane damage, cell apoptosis, gene damage, chemokine damage, and fire-like inflammation. When a storm strikes, it can cause acute inflammation of the lungs, heart inflammation, and even brain tissue inflammation storms, which can directly lead to strokes, heart attacks, and even death! In the future, if the graphene oxide in the human body is stimulated by higher rate of 5G radiation, it can be used to manipulate human mind and their entire body. According to many group of experts and scholars worldwide, this is a terrifying human experiment, this is a very dangerous biotechnology experiment of the world's population massacre! As the host of this video said: "Apart from killing people, there is no reason to jab graphene into a human body!” (English subtitles)

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