COVID-19 Does Not Exist - Part 7/7 of Full Murad Documentary - 🇺🇸 English (Engels) - 30m32s

3 years ago

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Video 1:
Segment 1 - History “HIS story”
Segment 2 - Swine flu. Attack of the pigs

Video 2:
Segment 3 - A plot twist!
Segment 4 - COVID-19: A virus that wasn’t

Video 3:
Segment 5 - A testing pandemic

Video 4:
Segment 6 - Masks: A silent killer
Segment 7 - UK’s first ‘midazolam’ wave
Segment 8 - The case of Italy

Video 5:
Segment 9 - The case of New York
Segment 10 - COVID deaths never happened

Video 6:
Segment 11 - A mannequin war!
Segment 12 - Empty hospitals
Segment 13 - What’s really happening is a misunderstanding
Segment 14 - REAL science vs pseudo science

👉🏽 Video 7:
Segment 15 - Viruses or exosomes?
Segment 16 - Mainstream maniacs are losing?
Segment 17 - What to do? A manifesto
Segment 18 - So, what is the next hoax?

➡️ A special thank you to Sheikh Murad for kindly giving me permission to redistribute his awesome video and also in smaller parts.
👀 his Rumble channel:
#MainstreamManiacs #COVID-19 #Murad
💙 Thank you for your hard work, Murad.

🇺🇸 English (Engels) - COVID-19 Does Not Exist
A Deep Dive into so-called “Covid-19”

This is a very comprehensive documentary. Very suitable as information for the general public. But the more awake person will also learn many things.

Starting with the history of the corona virus, the origin of the narrative, you will be taken through all topics of the past year and a half to tips and suggestions on how to deal with the narrative and also increase your own resistance. Literally and figuratively.

In short: A documentary that you must have seen.


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🇳🇱 Nederlands (Dutch) - COVID-19 bestaat niet
Een diepe duik in het zogenaamde "Covid-19"

Dit is een zeer uitgebreide documentaire. Zeer geschikt als informatie voor het grote publiek. Maar de meer wakkere persoon zal ook veel leren.

Beginnend bij de geschiedenis van het coronavirus, de oorsprong van de vertelling, word je langs alle onderwerpen van het afgelopen anderhalf jaar geleid naar tips en suggesties om met de vertelling om te gaan en ook je eigen weerstand te vergroten. Letterlijk en figuurlijk.

Kortom: Een documentaire die je gezien moet hebben.

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