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I Believe In Us - Abbey Cook

3 years ago

Together we we can move mountains
and reach the depths of the sea
Part an atom and reach the stars
but the world still groans to find peace

Grab a map as we chart through the stormy weather
Patriots can we unite as one together

I believe in us
I believe in us
Through the thick and the thin
We will rise again
I believe in us

Ya they control the information
play us like pawns on the board
Continued brainwash from every station
Information 2 not be explored

Try to cause a fight pit us against each other
But now were awake and we know better

Oh oh oh I believe in us
I believe in us
Through the thick and the thin
We will rise again
I believe in us

I believe I believe I believe

I believe in us
I believe in us
Through the thick and the thin
We will rise again
I believe in us

I believe…



  • 0/2000
  • This came out soooo good


  • We believe 🙏

  • I'll be honest. It took me awhile to "believe in us." After decades of ridicule and rejection witnessing the gospel I was over people. I struggled with Trust In The Plan when I realized we are the plan. Almost black pilled over it. The encouragement of Have Faith In Humanity was hard for me to accept. Then I started meeting some of you wonderful Anons and it did refresh my soul. As does your music Abbey. Gonna post your new song on fb right now. :)